How much is your Xbox 360 worth? There are a few ways to sell your Xbox 360 all will work with some patience. Lets walk through the most common ones. eBay
Pawn Shops
Thousands of Xbox 360's sell on eBay, but selling on of eBay is difficult. As this article is written there are over 7,000 consoles for sale. eBay seems to go out of it's way to make selling hard. First you have to sign up with a credit card. Then getting your money is tedious as eBay only wants you to use their checkout system, PayPal. I won't go into the problems with PayPal suffice it to say that the buyer has much more protection than you. eBay is rife with scam artists with little recourse on your part. Even if you do everything right the buyer can lodge a complaint with you and renege on their payments. Because of the shipping costs, eBay fees and PayPal fees involved you will not get very much from an eBay transaction. Craigslist is whole other animal. As a Pawn shop we have to deal with Craigslist on a daily basis. We hear the horror stories of dealing with idiots and criminals or worse. You should have to have a license to sell or buy anything from Craigslist, I would never want my children to use it. Going to a meeting with stranger where they know you will have either merchandise or cash is an invitation to disaster. Please use great caution with Craigslist. Now if you have a store where people bring you stuff from Craigslist, that is completely different. We buy and sell like that many times per day. Xbox 360's from Craigslist have a market value of $100-$175 dollars for the consoles. The games vary widely in worth but can reach up to $25. Gamestop is probably the worst choice for selling your Xbox 360. We called the local Gamestop this morning to see what I could get for an Xbox 360 Arcade system and they told us $64 dollars or $80 dollars in store credit. That is not even decent value, you might be better off getting that tattoo from the in trade from the guy on Craigslist calls us 3x a week. One of your best solutions is to call around to your local pawn shops and inquire what they would either pay or loan you for your Xbox 360. Your console is a valuable possession and pawn shop are your only way to get money for it and not sell it. Our pawn shop isn't that much different from some we know and if you brought in an Elite system to us you could get $150 loan in under ten minutes. When you want it back two weeks later it will cost you $15 in interest. Or you could get up $250 to sell it outright depending on how it is equipped. Safe transaction, money in minutes. Hope that helps you make a safe choice. You can always call us.