Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some days you just have to have faith in yourself..

I'm not really much for new things.  I have flown planes, started businesses, eaten live eels and seen a midget and a donkey in a "show" and woken up on my motorcycle doing 80mph, so it's hard to surprise me.  If you give me a good wireless connection or a good non-fiction book you might not know I'm in the room with you. 

Like you I am good at some really unusual things, and I hate stuff I'm no good at.  Tonight I did the first radio show for the pawn shop and man that was really hard.  If you have a fear of speaking in public don't do that. 

The night started auspiciously as when we arrived at the station the doors were locked.  After calling our producer and learning he wouldn't arrive until like 15 minutes before the show I decided it was time to get in the building.  Let's just say that Leathermen makes a great product and voila we are in.  Then we can't get the elevator to open and take us to the 10th floor.  One nice cleaning lady later we are in the radio station.

From there as the time ticked closer to show time I got more and more apprehensive.  When the show started all you get is someone in another room that points at you and the music stops and it's you and who knows how many other people listening to you.  Of course you imagine they are all professional radio critics just waiting for you to misstep. 

To imagine what happens next is that you are sitting by yourself on a huge stage, then the curtains go up and it's you and lights and you have to talk for an hour, 60 minutes, about something that interests you but not many others. 

The phones don't ring, and you have to keep speaking. 

I made it through, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  I learned something about myself tonight.  I also forgot the rush of adrenaline you get from doing those things.

I hope you scare yourself every once and a while, it makes you realize you are capable of more than reading books.

Posted via web from Big Tims Pawn's posterous

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